There is something beautiful in Progress. Whether it is Progress with a painting, an exercise program, decorating and the list goes on. It is just a beautiful way to stop and appreciate how it comes in stages. Often we want to see things happen in an instant or overnight. Instead of staying in the moment and enjoying each and every stage which is a story in the making.
Last week I was lucky, lucky LUCKY!! I got to have a playdate with Mystele!!! She is such a wonderful soul and we had a lot of laughs that day that were much needed!!! Anyhow, once we got past the giggles, we played Art....It felt so good! I left her house with a mess of a painting and this is what it looked like:
I thought for sure I was going to have to cover it over and start new. I let it sit for a couple days in between all lifes busy moments and I went back to it yesterday, only to be renewed by the possibilities the layers of paint, paper and ink held...... It is shaping up nicely and my heart is warming up to it:
Wishing you all a wonderful week filled with creativity and Love. I will check back in to show you the final progress of this painting finished. Feel free to leave a comment and let me know what your thoughts are on progress.