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November 13, 2013



Loved your interview - the wall behind you has such yummy artwork! Can't wait for Soul Food to start. Thanks for the chance to win! Can totally relate to the disaster vs. too clean studio thing - I'm always somewhere between the two.

Cathy P.

Look forward to the classes!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Kaf Grimm

Michelle, I Love your introduction video, and a peek into your studio! Congrats on being a teacher in the Soul Food Classes! I know you will be amazing! Thank you for sharing your he-art with us, and a chance to win!!! XOXO

Robyn C.

I am SO excited to meet you - and I am REALLY looking forward to Soul Food. I am already registered but I would love to be able to give a seat to a friend. Thank you for the GREAT offer!


So proud of you and all that you are doing! Thanks for sharing a chance to learn & be inspired!


I'm very interested in your art. It looks fun!


Nice to meet you. I like that you incorporate fitness as part of your creative routine. I'm looking forward to the class!

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